Class 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Linney

Mrs Linney

Class 2 Teaching Assistant

Miss Sherrington

Miss Sherrington

Class 2 Teacher
Music, Humanities & Joint Phonics Subject Leader
Staff Governor

Mrs Crompton

Mrs Crompton

Year 3/ 4 Teacher (Part-time)
Maths Subject Leader,

Welcome to Class Two

 Years 1, 2 & 3          

Please ensure your child has their reading packet with them every day and that they remember their water bottle!


Our topic this half term will be 'There's No Place Like Home'.  Please see our topic web on the curriculum pages of the website for full information and a detailed breakdown on all subjects this half term..

Home Learning

Reading: Our aim is to develop a love of reading for all our children.  In order to support this, we encourage you to read with your child regularly, both through the books they bring home from school and through regular bedtime stories.  Reading should be a fun and enjoyable process for both you and your child to develop together. Please update your child’s reading record when you read so that staff know if a book has been completed.  Books will be changed regularly but remember, re-reading a book can be very helpful for improving fluency and developing comprehension skills.

Times Table Rockstars: In order to develop the rapid recall of multiplication and division facts relating to times tables, children from Years 2 & 3 are encouraged to access the games which have been set on their TTrockstars account.  All children have their own personal login and individually set times tables to work on.  Battles between the class groups are set weekly with rewards for the winners and top scorers.

Homework: Maths and comprehension are set weekly.  Homework is set every Friday to be  completed by the following Thursday.  

PE: There are 2 P.E. sessions per week in Class 2 (Tuesdays and Fridays).  On Tuesdays, the children will go swimming from September to February half term so will need their swimming kit.

Please ensure your child comes to school with their full PE kit on both PE days.  

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Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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