
At Crawford Village Primary School, we are proud of all of our children and we strive to enable each and every one to reach their potential and develop into successful young adults. 

Part of this responsibility involves a commitment to enabling children to reach their potential academically.

At Crawford, we recognise the important role all forms of assessment play in informing us on how well we are doing to achieve this commitment.

Each year the government publishes information in 'performance tables' online. They also provide clear explanations of the data for parents and compare results to local & national averages.  If you are interested in Crawford's performance, we strongly recommend viewing the relevant Government pages. You can do this by clicking here.

You can also click here to compare data across other schools in England. 

If you would like to discuss any aspect of our data or receive a printed copy of the information, please contact the school office. 

Early Years Foundation Stage Assesments – GLD (Good Level of Devlopment: 3 Prime Areas of Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development + Specific Learning Goals of Literacy and Maths)

Year Crawford Village Lancashire LA Difference National  Difference
2024 75% awaiting data awaiting data awaiting data awaiting data
2023 60% 65% -5% 67% -7%
2022 80% 62% +18% 65% +15%

Year 1 Phonics Assessments

Year Crawford Village Lancashire LA Difference National  Difference
2024 80% awaiting data awaiting data awaiting data awaiting data
2023 80% 77% +3% 79% +1%
2022 89% 74% +15% 75% +14%

Year 2 Phonics

Year Crawford Village Lancashire LA Difference National  Difference
2024 50% (1/2) awaiting data awaiting data awaiting data awaiting data
2023 100% 58% +42% 59%% +41%
2022 0% (0/1) 41% n/a 44% n/a

Key Stage 1 Results

  Crawford 2024 National 2024 Difference Crawford 2023 National 2023 Difference Crawford 2022 National 2022 Difference
Reading EXS 60% awaiting data awaiting data 89% 68% +21% 90% 67% +23%
Writing EXS 80% awaiting data awaiting data 78% 60% +18% 80% 58% +22%
Maths EXS 70% awaiting data awaiting data 100% 70% +30% 90% 68% +22%
RWM EXS 60% awaiting data awaiting data 78% 56% +22% 80% 53% +27%
Reading GDS 20% awaiting data awaiting data 22% 19% +3% 30% 18% +12%
Writing GDS 30% awaiting data awaiting data 22% 8% +14% 10% 8% +2%
Maths GDS 40% awaiting data awaiting data 33% 16% +17% 20% 15% +5%
RWM GDS 10% awaiting data awaiting data 22% 6% +16% 10% 6% +4%

EXS = Expected Standard;   GDS = Greater Depth Standard

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

  Crawford 2024 National 2024 Crawford 2023 National 2023 Crawford 2022 National 2022
Achieving 100% 70% awaiting data 55% 29% 27% 27%
Average Score 22.3 awaiting data 23.3 20.2 21.6 19.8


Key Stage 2 Results - Attainment

  Crawford 2024 National 2024 Difference Crawford 2023 National 2023 Difference Crawford 2022 National 2022 Difference
Reading EXS 100% 74% +26% 100% 73% +27% 100% 75% +26%
Writing EXS 100% 72% +28% 100% 71% +29% 100% 69% +31%
Maths EXS 100% 73% +27% 100% 73% +27% 100% 71% +29%
RWM EXS 100% 61% +39% 100% 59% +41% 100% 59% +41%
EGPS EXS 90% 72% +18% 89% 72% +17% 89% 72% +17%
Reading GDS 80% awaiting data awaiting data 33% 29% +4% 38% 28% +10%
Writing GDS 30% awaiting data awaiting data 56% 13% +43% 25% 13% +12%
Maths GDS 30% awaiting data awaiting data 56% 24% +32% 50% 22% +28%
RWM GDS 30% awaiting data awaiting data 11% 8% +3% 25% 7% +18%
60% awaiting data awaiting data 78% 30% +48% 38% 28% +10%

EXS = Expected Standard;   GDS = Greater Depth Standard

Key Stage 2 Results - Progress

  Progress Crawford 2024 National 2024 Crawford 2023 National 2023 Crawford 2022 National 2022
Reading APS n/a 0 +3.3 0 3.3 0
Maths APS n/a 0 +5.9 0 +4,6 0
EGPS APS n/a 0 +4.7 0 +4.3 0

APS = Average Point Score

Key Stage 2 Results - Average Scaled Score

  Progress Crawford 2024 National 2024 Crawford 2023 National 2023 Crawford 2022 National 2022
Reading Scaled Score 112 105 110 105 109 105
Maths Scaled Score 108 104 110 104 109 104
EGPS Scaled Score 110 105 113 105 108 105


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Crawford Village Primary School

Crawford Village Primary School Crawford Road
Up Holland

Mrs S Roberts - Bursar | Mrs D Eaton - Headteacher

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